Jeremy McCarty
Jeremy grew up in a Christian home. His parents were very intentional about raising their children to know Christ. Jeremy was called to ministry in a service where missionaries came to their small country church. Jeremy found and married his "other rib" - Jaci. Together, they have been in ministry since 2001. Jeremy earned his bachelor's degree with a focus on business from Wayland Baptist University and a Masters of Divinity through Rockbridge Seminary. Jeremy has a passion for Jesus, his family, discipleship, and the body and bride of Christ.

Deacons at Utopia Baptist Church are Lead Servants. As such, deacons and the Deacon Ministry Team are models and examples of service to Christ and to the body and bride of Christ at Utopia Baptist Church. We are honored that God would use deacons and deacons would humbly serve God by serving this local body and the individual body parts, here, to be a unified, functioning, body of Christ to carry out the ministries that God has given such great opportunities.

James Alderson

Sihara Cartmel